Asket Goes Image-Less for Three Days: Bold Social Experiment

In a bold move, slow fashion label Asket will not feature product images on its official website for three days. This was a three-day experiment to gain insights into customer trends. It was implemented across billboards and posters in Stockholm and London, and social media channels.

Its message read “A t-shirt so uncompromisingly timeless you already know what it looks like”. Asket stated in its newsletter that they have a permanent collection that goes almost 10 years. “We believe that we’ve succeeded in creating garments that are uncompromisingly timeless. In fact, we believe they’re so timeless, they’re able to transcend the need for visual representation.”

Asket Goes Image-Less for Three Days: Bold Social Experiment

Asket’s Bold Experiment

Asket informed customers about its bold statement on Instagram. “In a radical examination of the timelessness of our garments, we’ve temporarily removed all garment images from our communications. Instead inviting you to use your mind’s eye to picture the pieces in our permanent collection,” the slow fashion label said.

“The idea is to prove a fairly simple point: we only create garments so uncomprisingly timeless you already know what they look like. So when visiting today, bring your imagination. We’ll be back with all images on Thursday. Hope you can wait – our garments are around forever.”

In a bold move, slow fashion label Asket will not feature product images on its official website for three days. This was a three-day experiment to gain insights into customer trends.
Source asketcom

Customer Reactions

There were mixed reaction from consumers. A consumer said the idea was good. “I was just following this page for aesthetics but now I get the brand concept better and more curious to see the products in the future.”

Another commented “Love your brand and products but don’t love clothes enough to know exactly what  a timeless (insert garment) looks like… so I think some of us will need the photos back soon, cool experiment though!” One customer asked “Isn’t this the opposite of sustainability? Where I buy what I really need after a good consideration and comparison? Aren’t customers asking for MORE pictures on different bodies instead of none at all?” And yet another said “Timeless maybe, but colors are unique. How can I choose color or pattern when I don’t see it.”

This also highlighted Asket’s loyal customer base and the brand’s innovative, and uncompromising approach.

Asket's bold move of not featuring product images on its official website for three days was also implemented across billboards and posters in Stockholm and London, and social media channels.
Source asketcom

The Result

After the three-day experiment said they wanted to challenge themselves and their customers to see if the brand’s stringent design philosophy and curated assortment of wardrobe essentials could speak for itself.

“We embarked on this with faith in our product but apprehensive about the reactions. After three days, the results are in – 410 people bought 1013 ASKET garments without seeing them first. 44% are new customers.” Asket acknowledged that images are irreplaceable in terms of describing a garment and making informed purchasing decisions.”

Asket is back with its images.1+

Also Read: Lemma Introduces New Brand Identity and Logo

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Nandika Chand
