The iconic film, TV, and entertainment company Warner Bros is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2023. The Warner Brothers were founded in 1923 by Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack Warner, and are today considered one of Hollywood’s top studios with unrivaled content libraries, which are home to 100 years of fan favorites.
There are many film classics from the studio’s rich history, including Casablanca, The Matrix, Harry Potter, The Batman, and Dune, as well as beloved entertainment brands like Looney Tunes and DC Comics.
As home to blockbuster movie brands, their anniversary is indeed special. Warner Bros has launched a campaign involving every division of the studio, from home entertainment to video games, from consumer products to live events, to celebrate its history of storytelling. The slogan ‘Celebrating Every Story’ and a special anniversary logo unites this campaign.
A redrawn Warner Bros. logo appears on the logo. Using a dramatic, eye-catching composition, a discovery shield, and a bold 100 graphic. With bold, geometric number forms counterbalanced by the fine lines of the new shield, the studio’s trademark allows for playful compositions showcasing their intellectual property. A 100th Anniversary campaign will be launched throughout 2023 and beyond to mark Warner Bros.’s 100th anniversary.