Harmonizing Tradition with Innovation: The Conran Shop’s Striking Rebrand

The iconic British retailer The Conran Shop to mark its 50th anniversary has undergone a contemporary global rebrand. The minimal yet bold new look aims to propel the brand into new markets while honoring its rich design heritage. The rebrand is one that echoes the brand’s dedication to progress, design, and excellence and pays homage to the visionary spirit of the brand’s founder, Sir Terence Orby Conran.

The Conren Shop
Source Pentagram The Conran Shop Global Rebrand Copyright Pentagram 2023

A Bespoke Typeface Inspired by Bauhaus

At the heart of The Conran Shop’s rebrand, is The Conran Shop Legacy Typeface Collection, a custom font family designed from scratch by one of the world’s leading design agencies, Pentagram‘s partner Sascha Lobe. With its clean lines and minimalist aesthetic, the typeface is a nod to the Bauhaus movement that inspired Conran Shop founder Sir Terence Conran. The idea for a bespoke typeface family rooted in a multi-level typeface family to create a visual identity that would elevate the brand to new heights – The Conran Shop Legacy Typeface Collection – was developed after conversations with Sir Terence Conran.

The Conran Shop
Source Pentagram The Conran Shop Global Rebrand Copyright Pentagram 2023

A Contraction for Global Expansion

The brand’s logotype now revolves around a contraction of its name, leaving only a T, C, S, and a full stop. The simplified logo aims to help the brand ‘flourish and evolve’ in new global markets as it expands into locations across Asia, the Middle East, and beyond. According to Pentagram partner Kimberly Lloyd, “The result is an open, diverse, and versatile identity that carries with it a sense of trustworthiness and speaks a universal language, suited for all markets.

The Conran Shop
Source Pentagram The Conran Shop Global Rebrand Copyright Pentagram 2023

A Timeless Palette

Pentagram completed the rebrand using a minimal color palette of black, white and red, blue and orange accents. The classic yet bold color scheme is a fitting match for The Conran Shop’s sleek, well-designed products. As Peter Jenkins, CEO of The Conran Shop, says,

2023 is a special year for The Conran Shop as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary. It’s a big year of transformation and a new direction for the brand. The unveiling of fresh brand identity in this pivotal year is incredibly exciting for The Conran Shop.

The Conran Shop
Source Pentagram The Conran Shop Global Rebrand Copyright Pentagram 2023


Pentagram has crafted an elegant and forward-looking rebrand for The Conran Shop that pays homage to its design heritage while positioning it for growth in new global markets. The bespoke typeface, simplified logo, and timeless color palette form the foundation of a contemporary yet minimal visual identity well-suited to propel this iconic British retailer into its next chapter over the next 50 years and beyond. Overall, this rebrand achieves a delicate balance of looking towards the future while honoring the past.

The Conran Shop
Source Pentagram The Conran Shop Global Rebrand Copyright Pentagram 2023
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Hasin Hamza
