Limited-Edition Double Stuf Cookies: Oreo and Nintendo Draw Inspiration from Super Mario

Oreo and Nintendo have joined forces for a limited-edition cookie inspired by the Super Mario video game franchise. The Oreo Double Stuf cookies are embossed with 16 unique designs depicting Super Mario heroes and villains.

Mondelez’s collaboration with Nintendo reflects its marketing strategy to keep its brands relevant with younger generations and eschews linear TV advertising. Oreo – Super Mario brings the world of the game into the physical realm through a cookie-based scavenger hunt. The brands seek to encourage consumers, via the randomized nature of embossment, to buy multipacks to find rarer types. This strategy also reflects the nature of the game, wherein Bowser is a more difficult encounter for players.

Super Mario Oreos: Where to Pre-Order Online – Billboard

Vishnu Nair, Senior Brand Manager at OREO, said Oreo is always looking to bring new offerings to its fans. “We are thrilled to unveil this super partnership with the iconic Super Mario franchise. There are so many playful synergies between Oreo and Super Mario, it was a no-brainer for us to team up to connect fans of all ages through this delightful playful cookie collaboration.”

Nair hopes the collaboration will unite cookie lovers and Super Mario enthusiasts, inspired by a storyline, fans know all too well. “We may even reveal a surprise as thank you to those who successfully defeat Bowser and save the kingdom. Fans will have to wait and see.”

Nintendo has powered up the playful partnership. With Princess Peach missing, Oreo is calling on superfans to participate in a social challenge to stop trouble-making Bowser from taking over her castle. Cookie lovers and Super Mario fans have to stack as many hero-embossed cookies as possible atop a Bowser cookie, on the rim of a glass of milk, until he is defeated.

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The limited-edition OREO x Super Mario cookies feature 16 unique embossments including Super Mario characters and Power-ups, such as iconic heroes Mario and Luigi, a Super Star, and enemies like a Goomba and Bowser Jr. Each pack offers a new adventure for fans to discover the 16 different Super Mario designs.

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Nandika Chand
