Indian EV Brand Ather’s AutoHold Feature Ad Grabs Attention

In today’s world, where consumers are bombarded with endless amounts of advertisements, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd. The use of visual elements has become a powerful tool for brands to communicate their message effectively. Indian electric scooter brand Ather’s recent print ad showcasing the ‘AutoHold’ feature on slopes is a great example of how to use visual elements to powerfully communicate a message.

Indian EV Brand Ather’s AutoHold Feature Ad Grabs Attention

The ‘AutoHold’ feature on slopes is an essential feature for any scooter or motorcycle, and Ather has done an excellent job of highlighting it. The company has emphasized the importance of this feature and made it clear that Ather’s scooters are equipped with the latest technology by tilting the entire ad layout.

The tilted text/copy below the photo makes the ad more readable and adds to the overall visual appeal. Ather’s decision to tilt the entire ad layout is a smart move, as it helps to make the ad’s message clear, and the visual elements help to convey the importance of the feature to the viewer.

Kudos to Ather’s in-house team for coming up with this creative idea. The ad is really a visual spectacle to the readers and such great innovations in advertising will be a real boost to any brand’s marketing initiatives in the future.

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Hasin Hamza
