Golden Malted Revamps Brand After 87 Years, Adopts New Name ‘Golden Waffles’

Golden Malted, renowned for the world’s first all-inclusive waffle program, has rebranded to Golden Waffles in time for National Waffle Day.

Michael DiBeneditto, CEO of Golden Malted, said the new name better associates the brand with offerings customers already know and love. “We’re changing our name to Golden Waffles because that’s what we do – we make golden, fresh-baked waffles,” he explained. “As a service-oriented organization, our customers are always top of mind. Every day Golden Waffles’ service stands out by acting as an extension of our customers’ operational team.” DiBeneditto said the company’s dedication to servicing customers, while delivering delicious, creative solutions remains strong as they go through the rebrand.

Alissa Davis, VP of Marketing for Golden Waffles, said they simplified their name and modernized their look. “We’re making it clear that our singular focus is to bring joy to customers by serving the best fresh-baked waffles in the food service industry. Our all-inclusive program, from direct door-to-door waffle mix delivery to onsite service and maintenance, lets operators focus on the sweet stuff, like making guests smile.”

Besides the new name, Golden Malted also boasts a new logo and website. The company will also update its new branding on all its packaging over the next few months.

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Nandika Chand
