Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market

At times, innovation is as invisible as a housewarming during winter. Nevertheless, a company – called Electric Air, headed by ex-aeronautical and Tesla specialist Chris Mui – is introducing a fresh method of electrified heating and cooling. In partnership with design studio Blond, electric Air is simplifying the product journey through a minimal and straightforward design. Let’s explore how elevating Electric Air’s innovative system could change our thinking about home heating systems.

Electric Air: A Fresh and Trustworthy Brand

Electric Air’s brand identity, carefully crafted by Blond, embodies freshness and trustworthiness. Attention to minute details, such as kerning letters in the logotype, has resulted in an identity that reflects the company’s commitment to excellence. This branding strategy aims to foster confidence in customers, ensuring they feel comfortable and secure with their choices.

Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market
Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market
Sleek, Unobtrusive Hardware Design

Blond aimed to repackage typical “ugly” heating units with a sleek, discrete aesthetic. The metal fascia uses repeated stamped panels to reduce cost. Thoughtful labeling and layout ease repairs. It’s industrial design perfected.

Electric Air

Electric Air
Electric Air
The air handler functions similarly to a boiler, but it solely handles heating and cooling, not water. The condenser efficiently exchanges energy with the external air, utilizing a refrigerant and a compressor. The wall-mounted split A/C delivers the conditioned air into your home. In collaboration with Electric Air, Blond has re-envisioned these typically mundane heating and cooling systems. Their objective was to create a design that is sleek, accessible, and unobtrusive.

Electric Air
James Melia, Blond’s creative director, highlights that these systems, often deemed “ugly,” deserve more attention. Innovative design choices, such as a metal fascia made from nine repeated pieces that interlock, have been used to significantly cut costs.

Electric Air

Intuitive, Streamlined Thermostat and App

The Electric Air system is composed of four main components: the air handler, condenser, thermostat, and wall-mounted split A/C. These components are seamlessly integrated with a user-friendly app.  The touchscreen thermostat monitors air quality and humidity, displaying only essential stats. The scheduling app intuitively simplifies temperature and system control. Blond stripped back complexity for an effortless user experience.

Electric Air

Electric Air

Strategic Use of Color and Brand Identity

Blue and red indicate heating and cooling while green denotes ideal temp. The identity exudes freshness and trust with refined details. Branding matches the straightforward product experience.

Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market

User-Centric Features of Electric Air’s System

Blond’s design approach prioritizes not just aesthetics but also user-friendliness. The touch-screen thermostat, for instance, features a built-in air quality monitor that measures PM2.5 particulate and CO2 levels. This initiates filtration and fresh air intake, ensuring not just comfort but also healthier living conditions. The thermostat also includes humidity monitoring and control capabilities.

Blond and Electric Air: A Design Collaboration that is Heating Up the Market
Made For US Systems But Potential For UK

While designed for US furnace-based heating, Blond’s simplified Electric Air solution could come to the UK. As heat pumps gain adoption, the appetite for intuitive design grows.

Electric Air
All Images and media used are copyright of blondcc


Electric Air and Blond have joined forces to create a heating and cooling system that not only offers efficiency but also a refreshing approach to design and user experience. With this collaboration, Blond proves smart industrial design and UX can revolutionize even complex hardware like heating systems. Electric Air is rethinking home climate control from the ground up. While this system may not yet be available in the UK, it holds the promise of being a game-changer in the future of home heating. With its unobtrusive design, intuitive interface, and commitment to air quality, Electric Air is undoubtedly a name to watch in the ever-evolving world of home comfort.

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Hasin Hamza
