How Has TikTok Changes Affected Marketers

TikTok, the fastest-growing social media platform, has every kind of content and community for everyone. It is a haven for marketers trying to reach out to millions of people around the world with their various brands and products. TikTok has risen above Facebook and Twitter in terms of popularity for billions of users.

Marketers prefer TikTok because it reflects a key social media trend for creative skills and collaboration amongst young audiences. The platform keeps users engaged for relatively long periods. According to Insider Intelligence, users spend an average of 56 minutes per day on the app. In the US, advertisers spent around $774.8 million on TikTok influencer marketing so far in 2023.

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TikTok Engages Audience

As such, Insider Intelligence believes TikTok will soon overtake its Google-owned competitor on this axis, with the shift most likely to occur in 2024. Moreover, global brands have realized the importance of TikTok as the key to engaging with young audiences, partnering with influencers, and encouraging user-generated content. Celebrities, such as Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, Paris Hilton, Will Smith, Rihanna, and Miley Cyrus, among others, use TikTok.

The popular platform can be used for a variety of content like DIYs, pranks, entertainment, spreading information, sharing recipes, advice, and marketing as well. Storytelling is the key. Lauren Mabra, the founder of Lauran Labeled, says one TikTok hack for booming brands for 2023 and beyond is to use the platform as a creator versus a business. One should prioritize storytelling and evoking emotion from the viewer.

Mabra said for organic TikTok, this can be done by allowing the audience to take part in the brand. “We’re shifting away from an era of exclusivity, perfectly polished content, and events/promos that only influencers could participate in. Now, we see brands allowing the audience to help them choose their next product launch, candid feedback for ways to improve existing products, hearing the founders’ stories and challenges.”

Make TikToks, Not Ads

She suggests making TikToks, and not ads. “Show your customers’ stories, pain points, and transformations. Demonstrate what life was like before having your product and what it can be after, Use the lingo and humor of the platform.”

Alyssa Ramirez-Kennedy, a content strategist, believes TikTok’s algorithm studies user behaviors and is accurate at targeting and connecting subcultures through users For You Pages.

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“Once you’ve found your community, observe how niche community members comment and engage on each other’s videos. When brands embrace niche communities relevant to them on TikTok and put in the effort to make authentic connections, the community members show love back, making it easier to enter and grow on the platform.”

TikTok is highly regarded for higher engagement rates from its followers, marketers can achieve significant buzz with a carefully planned campaign, using content that appeals to the app’s audience.

Overall, TikTok delivers value to businesses, inspiring discovery, product research, and driving actions.

Also Read: TikTok to Display Ads Alongside Organic Search Results via New Tool

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Nandika Chand
