Television viewing has evolved since the advent of internet and emergence of OTT platforms for streaming services. This ushered in Connected TV (CTV) advertising which is a dynamic, fast-growing, and cost-effective media channel.
CTV Advertising are video ads that are delivered through a streaming service during a user’s TV show, movie, game or other content, and viewed on the television. It gives brands the unique opportunity to reach a wider audience and digital content consumers, while enhancing brand awareness and cost-efficiency. CTV advertising enablers advertisers to deliver in-stream ads to targeted audiences. The ads appear before, during, or after a streaming video.

Amazon describes CTV advertising as a type of digital advertising that appears within streaming content. It includes ads shown alongside TV shows or livestreams viewed on streaming devices. The interactive ads are shown to a specific audience. Amazon says CTV advertising can help brands reach audiences where they are already consuming content. It can expand brand reach beyond shoppers in physical or online stores to audiences who are viewing content in a variety of places on websites and within videos.
CTV Advertising is the Next Biggest Thing
With millions of viewers already into streaming content or games, CTV advertising is stated to be the next biggest thing. It promises a blend of the dynamic, real-time benefits of digital with the brand safe, lean-back-and-enjoy experience of linear TV. CTV can take the positives from digital advertising like measurement and precision, and maintain the brand-safe environment of linear TV. If done right, CTV can bring about innovation, personalized and interactive experiences.

Brands and advertisers benefit from real-time campaign planning, performance adjustment and broad market. They can track and measure video metrics across various devices to help increase online visits and broaden their reach. Moreover, CTV advertising allows brands to deliver personalized messages to viewers, enhancing their overall ad experience.
According to MNTN research, brands need to be mindful of when and where they advertise, with special consideration of the channels. Adults consider TV as the most trustworthy platform for advertisements, and majority consumers say TV ads are helpful. Gen Z also consider TV advertisements as most trustworthy. As such marketers say TV advertising drives conversions.
Brands Have To Be Careful with CTV Advertising

Various studies say targeted ads can lead to negative consumer feelings. One such study highlighted that 38% of adults find targeted ads creepy, and 49% of consumers said they have been incorrectly targeted by the ads.
This can cause major problems, like unsubscribing the brand’s content or blocking ads, for advertisers. While targeted advertising is a powerful tool, marketers need to be careful about how they execute them to resonate and instill trust in consumers. Advertisers need to re-evaluate their ad patterns, re-target users who interact with CTV advertising. This ensures CTV brand ads are seen by the target audience at the right time.